Complaints about mistreatment

How to complain about mistreatment by the police and ask for compensation?

Rigth to complain

If you believe that police officers have treated you unlawfully during your arrest, you have the right to complain about their behaviour.

You have the right to complain if you believe that the police used excessive force when arresting and/or escorting you, and also during your stay in your cell. You can also complain if the police did not ensure that your basic needs were met.

example The police did not provide you with food or water, did not call for medical aid when necessary or they did not allow you to inform your family or employer about your arrest. 

Where to submit the complaint?

Mistreatment or disrespect of your rights by the police will be investigated by the head of the police arrest facility, and you complaint should be submitted to them. The head of the police arrest facility will either examine your submission himself/herself or, if necessary, will forward the complaint to the relevant institution, which can investigate whether the violation against you resulted in a criminal offence. The police might ask you for more explanations or documentation, if necessary.

Impact on your criminal case

If you believe that your mistreatment could be related to, and leave an impact on your rights in your criminal case, read more about the complaint mechanisms.


You can also request compensation if you believe that your rights were violated due to the mistreatment by the police.

Read more how to request compensation:

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Last updated 12/06/2020