How to complain about conditions in the place of detention and ask for compensation?

When detained on remand you are held in a remand. You have the right to be held in conditions that are not inhumane or degrading. Read more about the conditions in a place of detention.

General complaints

If you believe that the conditions at the remand prison violated your rights, you can complain about this to the head of the remand prison.


When filing a complaint, you should explain all the relevant facts, the type of violation, how it occurred and add any evidence that you have. The relevant institution will not consider the compensation claim without also evaluating whether the violations that you have complained about actually happened. The institution might ask you for additional explanations or documentation, where necessary.


Your complaint must be reviewed within 20 working days. If you are not satisfied with the decision, you can appeal it to the head of the Prison Department. The decision of the head of the Prison Department can be further appealed to a regional administrative court.


Last updated 16/06/2020