You always have a right to privately hire an attorney or have one provided and paid for by the State. You also have the right to meetings and confidential communication with your attorney at law.

Right to legal aid

When you are detained on remand, you are a suspect or an accused person in the criminal proceedings. Your trial may even have begun. The fact that you are detained does not mean that you have no right to prepare your defence case.

It is important to have a lawyer who can help you to challenge your detention and to prepare your criminal case. Therefore, you have the right to have a lawyer. In Lithuania, only attorneys at law and their apprentices can defend you in criminal proceedings. Read more about defence in criminal proceedings.

You also have the right to defend yourself. This means that you have the right to refuse legal aid and use all the rights of defence on your own. Read more about the right to defend yourself.

Free legal aid

You always have a right to invite a privately hired attorney at law of your own choosing. If you do not want a privately hired attorney at law or cannot afford one, the State must appoint an attorney for you free of charge.

The procedure for assigning an attorney at law is explained in the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Law on State-Guaranteed Legal Aid.

Communication with an attorney at law

You have the right to meet with your attorney at law freely during your detention, but you have to comply with the internal order of the remand prison. The administration of the remand prison must ensure that you can meet with your attorney at law confidentially. The guards or other authorities must not listen to your conversation or watch it on video surveillance. 

You also have the right to call, write to and receive letters from your attorney at law. You have the right to confidentiality. That means that the staff of the place of detention must not listen to your calls or read your letters.  

What human rights violation may there be?

If you were not given a chance to invite an attorney at law and you could not, therefore, effectively challenge your detention, this may result in a violation of the right to liberty and security of a person.

If you were not given a chance to invite an attorney at law and you could not, therefore, properly prepare your defence, there were non-permitted interferences in your communication with your attorney or you were not allowed to defend yourself where permitted, this may result in a violation of the right to fair trial.


Last updated 15/06/2020