Do you have the right to communicate with the outside world?

You still have the right to communicate with the outside world when detained. Of course, your right and the opportunity to communicate will be restricted, but it must not be denied completely. 

You have the following rights of communication:

  • to inform your family where are you detained
  • to have a meeting with your relatives or other people
  • to send and receive post
  • to receive parcels
  • to use the phone at the investigation prison
  • to send and receive money
  • to have meetings with journalists

You can read more about the scope and limitations of your communication in the Law on Pre-Trial Detention

What human rights violation may there be?

Your rights to communication can be restricted only in the situations allowed by law. Moreover, any restriction has to be necessary and proportional. Otherwise, it may result in a violation of your right to private and family life.

example Your communication with national or international human rights institutions, your lawyer, the court, the prosecution, or diplomatic services if you are a foreigner, must not be controlled.

Your meetings with relatives or other people should normally be private, but may take place in the presence of a guard in certain situations, after a careful examination of your case and aspects of safety. The administration must have well-reasoned decisions for this and you must have an opportunity to appeal them.


Last updated 16/06/2020