You are entitled and encouraged to complain if you believe that your participation in non-governmental organisations or political parties has been unlawfully restricted.

Political parties

If your party has been refused registration, you may contest the respective decision in accordance with the Law on Administrative Procedure. If you succeed in contesting the administrative act, the act will be overturned and you will be able to proceed with the registration once again.

Additionally, if you wish to contest a court decision regarding the termination of the party’s activity, you may do so in accordance with the Law on Administrative Procedure.

Non-governmental orgnizations

In case your non-governmental organization (NGO) has been refused registration, you may similarly contest the respective decision before the Register of Enterprises in accordance with the Civil code. If you succeed in contesting the administrative act, the act will be overturned and you will be able to proceed with the registration once again. You may further appeal the decision in an administrative court in accordance with the Law on Administrative Procedure.

If you wish to contest a court decision regarding the termination of the activity of the NGO, you may also do so via a complaint in a court in accordance with the Civil Code.

Constitutional Court

If your right to participate in or establish a public organisation such as an NGO or a political party is restricted by law and you believe that this legal regulation is incompatible with human rights, you may also complain to the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court may accordingly declare the legal regulation restricting your right to take part in said organisation incompatible with the Constitution.

Complaints to international human rights bodies

If you believe that the violation of your rights has not been remedied by Lithuanian institutions or courts, you should submit a complaint to international or European institutions, such as the European Court of Human Rights or the UN Human Rights Committee.


Last updated 24/06/2024