Incompatibility as a restriction on the right to stand for election refers to the requirement of holders of certain public or private functions not to stand for parliamentary elections or at elections for representative bodies at other levels of government.

Unlike ineligibility, incompatibility is normally ascertained after the election, and the incompatible function may either be terminated automatically, preference having been indicated by the candidacy being put forward in the first place, or, alternatively, the candidate may have a brief window of time in which they have a right to choose the function or service which they would like to pursue.

Parliamentary (Seimas) elections

If the President of the State, the state auditor, Auditor General and Deputy Auditors General, a judge, a prosecutor, or a member of the military are running for parliament, they must leave their previous position within one month after the registration of the list of candidates and must notify the Central Electoral Commission.

If the elected member of parliament is already a member of the European Parliament, they lose their status as a member of the European Parliament upon giving the solemn oath as a member of parliament.

These restrictions equally apply to nationals of other member states of the European Union.

Prezident elections

The President may not be a member of the parliament, may not hold other positions or receive any other remuneration, except for the salary established for the President and remuneration for creative activities. A person elected as President must suspend his activities in political parties and political organizations until the start of a new presidential election campaign.

Local government elections

A person may only stand for local election in a single electoral district. If an elected member of local government is already a member of the European Parliament, they lose their status as a member of the European Parliament, commencing from the day of the first session of the newly elected local government.

European Parliament elections

If the President, a member of the parliament or Cabinet of Ministers, or a councillor are elected to the European Parliament, they lose their office or mandate on the thirtieth day after the approval of the election results.


Last updated 24/06/2024