Voluntary work refers to the carrying out of socially beneficial work without remuneration. It is one of the most direct, attainable, and diverse forms of civic participation.

Voluntary work in Lithuania is primarily governed by the Law on Volunteering. According to the law, voluntary work may be organised by:

  • charity and support funds
  • budgetary institutions
  • associations
  • public institutions
  • religious communities and religious centers
  • branches, representative offices of international public organizations
  • political parties
  • trade unions
  • other legal entities, whose activities are regulated by special laws and whose purpose of activity is not to seek profit, and the profit obtained cannot be allocated to their participants

The Law on Volunteering also lists the terms of a legal relationship and the requirements for a written contract, if such is concluded, between you as a volunteer and the organiser of the voluntary work.

note To be a volunteer, you must be at least 14 years of age. Persons under the age of 18 may participate in voluntary activities, if the child's legal representative does not object.

Volunteering & Human Rights

Depending on the nature of the voluntary work that you are carrying out, several of your human rights may be affected, such as the prohibition of discrimination, the right to life or the prohibition of forced labour.

About this section

This section of the Guide will explain your rights and obligations as a volunteer, as well as how to complain if your rights as a volunteer are violated.


Last updated 01/07/2024