You have the right to an oral hearing. You also have the right to be present at the oral hearings, even if you are defended by a lawyer.

In Lithuania, cases in the first instance are usually examined in an oral hearing. However, if you admit your guilt the process might be written. Also there are some decisions (such as decisions on the admissibility of your appeal), which contain purely technical or legal issues. For these types of issues, the court is not obliged to hold an oral hearing as long as you have had the opportunity to submit your arguments and observations in a written form. 

There is no general right to an oral hearing at the stage of appeals.  Only if there are exceptional circumstances, for example, new evidence, the court of appeal will examine your case in an oral hearing. 

The right to an oral hearing also involves a duty to attend the hearings at the court’s invitation. If you do not attend the court hearing without an important reason, you might be found and brought to the court, or your appeal may be dismissed.


Last updated 11/11/2018