As a victim you may also be asked to be a witness in the criminal trial. It is important that you are safe if you agree to testify. If this is not the case, the State is obliged to protect you from any danger.

If there is any danger to your life or health because of your testimony, the State is under an obligation to protect you. In that case you have the right to ask for the protection. 

Anonymity status

There are several situations in which you can ask for anonymity status in the proceedings: 

  • there is a real threat to your life, health, freedom or property, or that of your family 
  • your testimony is important in the criminal process
  • the case concerns grave, serious or less serious crimes  

Anonymity status may be granted when all of the mentioned conditions exist.

If your identity is not protected, and as a result, you or other people close to you are attacked because of your testimony, this may, depending on the circumstances, violate your, or their, right to life or prohibition of inhuman treatment.

How to ask for anonymity status

If you believe that you are not safe during the criminal proceedings, you should request for anonymity status from the investigative officer or prosecutor. He/she must examine your application and make a decision either to grant or dismiss your request. A refusal to grant such protection must contain sufficient reasons why such protection is not necessary. If you were refused the anonymity status and you disagree with this decision, you can appeal it. Read more about how to complain.

Protection from unlawful actions

There are several types of other kind of victim/witness protection. Some of the protection from unlawful actions measures involve:

  • ensuring person’s and his/her property physical protection 
  • temporary relocation of a person to a safe place
  • change of identity or biography data
  • plastic surgery, changing person's looks
  • change of residence, job or school
  • financial support, etc.

The Prosecutor General, the Police Commissioner General or the Head of the Prison Service takes the decision on granting the protection measure. The Police Commissioner General or the Head of the Prison Service will make a decision on which type of protection is the most suitable for your situation.

You may appeal a decision not to grant you a particular protection from unlawful actions measure, by addressing Vilnius Regional Administrative Court within 5 working days.

Private life

Your private life must be protected during criminal proceedings. Photographs, videos or any other recordings of you taken during the investigation cannot be published in media without your permission. The publication of these materials without your permission and without justification may result in a violation of your right to a private life. Read more about the protection of your personal data, including your photos and videos.


Last updated 09/09/2024