What are your basic rights and duties upon your detention?

You have various rights and duties from the moment of your detention. You must be informed about these at the moment of your detention. 


You have the right to:

  • know why you were detained
  • appeal the lawfulness of your detention to the court (immediately)
  • communicate in a language that you understand with the help of a translator, if necessary
  • receive free legal aid during the whole detention process or in the appeal of your detention before the court 
  • read the materials related to your detention
  • receive necessary medical aid, psychological assistance and social services free of charge
  • be informed about your rights as an asylum seeker, as well as about the examination of your asylum application
  • receive a monthly allowance.
  • apply to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees or other organizations providing legal aid or consulting asylum seekers and meet their representatives in private.
  • use reception conditions that corresponds your special needs, if you are a vulnerable person.


You have a duty to:

  • identity yourself to the Lithuanian authorities
  • tell the truth about yourself and your background
  • comply with all their lawful requests


Last updated 24/07/2018