Do you have the right to medical aid?

You have the right to medical care and psychological help during your whole stay at the place of detention. Necessary medical care must always be free.  

The right to medical help does not mean that the State has a duty to pay for everything. The state does not have a duty to pay for medical treatment which is not necessary. 

Your state of health will be checked by a doctor at the time of your placement in the place of detention. The doctor will prepare a special patient card.

What human rights violation may there be?

Inhumane or degrading treatment

A lack of appropriate medical aid may result in a human rights violation such as inhumane and degrading treatment. For example, if you are suffering from stomach pain for a considerable time and you are not able to see a doctor. 

However, it will not always be a human rights violation if you do not receive medical aid instantly. The suffering and mistreatment has to reach at least a minimum level of severity. When assessing whether the lack of medical aid resulted in inhumane and degrading treatment, such things as the duration of the suffering, the physical and psychological effects, your age, gender and the condition of your health would be taken into account. Read more about how to evaluate whether your rights have been violated.

Right to life

If the detainee dies because of the lack of required medical help whilst in detention, it may result in a violation of the right to life. Read more about the how to evaluate whether your rights have been violated.


Last updated 19/12/2016