What rights do you have in the detention procedure?

You have certain rights during the detention procedure. 

You have the right to:

  • free legal aid if you decide to appeal your detention before the court. 
  • read the documents related to your detention with the help of your lawyer if necessary
  • an interpreter if you do not understand Lithuanian. The translation does not need to be in your native language, but in any language that you understand.
  • explain your side of the situation personally or through your lawyer in front of a judge in the first instance
  • ask for a translation of the decision in a language you understand
  • be informed about your rights as an asylum seeker, as well as about the examination of your asylum application
  • receive necessary medical aid, psychological assistance and social services free of charge
  • receive a monthly allowance
  • apply to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees or other organizations providing legal aid or consulting asylum seekers and meet their representatives in private
  • use reception conditions that corresponds to your special needs, if you are a vulnerable person

What human rights violation may there be?

If you could not enjoy the abovementioned rights during the detention process, it may influence your ability to challenge your detention. Thus, it can result in the violation of the right to liberty and security of a person.


Last updated 13/12/2016