How do you complain about conditions in the place of detention?

Complaint to the administration of the detention centre

If you are not satisfied with a particular situation at the detention centre, you can try to solve the issue by communicating it to the staff of the detention centre. If they are not able to help, you should submit a complaint to the head of the detention centre. You can also address the administrative court and claim compensation if you believe that you have suffered any material or moral damages because of inappropriate conditions. 

What to write

When filing a complaint to the court, you should explain all the relevant facts, describe detention conditions and what damage or suffering it caused you,  and add any evidence that you have. 


The claim regarding the inappropriate detention conditions and compensation should be submitted to the administrative courts in accordance with the requirements of the Law on Administrative Proceedings.


If you are not satisfied with the decision, you can appeal it to the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania. The decision has to indicate the deadline and the procedure. 


Last updated 19/12/2016