Social and psychological assistance

Lithuanian law provides for state-funded psychological and legal counselling as well as the assistance of a social worker to victims of domestic violence. Some assistance is also provided by municipal and non-governmental organizations.

Victims of domestic violence have the right to receive state-funded social rehabilitation services such as social, psychological and legal assistance to help them to safely exit an abusive relationship.

By ensuring and funding social rehabilitation services for adult victims of violence, the State has recognized that victims of domestic violence need, and are entitled to, social and psychological help in order to exit a power and control relationship of domestic violence. Further, legal assistance is important for preparing and submitting an application for temporary protection against violence, assist victims in criminal proceedings, and to help victims of domestic violence to reach a just resolution in civil proceedings, (divorce, child related disputes and the division of spousal property).

What kind of assistance may a victim receive?

Victims of domestic violence that don’t have a place to stay may use social services. Temporary accommodation is provided for up to 7 days. People who require a temporary place to live may stay for up to 12 months.

Victims of domestic violence may also receive advice, consultations, emotional and psychological support, as well as information related to legal proceedings by contacting a specialised comprehensive assistance centre.

How to receive the assistance

To receive the social rehabilitation service, the victim of domestic violence must turn to the social services in her/his municipality or any NGO that provides the social rehabilitation services for adult victims of violence. The victim of violence has the right to choose the social service provider. The victim of violence is not obligated to file a report or to cooperate in criminal proceedings in order to get state funded services.

note Specialised comprehensive assistance centres work as case managers so it might be easier to contact them first to help you get in touch with other service providers.

If the victim of violence is refused social rehabilitation services, the decision by the social services may be appealed in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Law, addressing the appeal to the relevant court.

Which human rights violations may there be?

The ability or failure of the State to provide help and assistance to victims of domestic violence should be seen in the light of the due diligence standard. It may result in a violation of human rights where state or municipal institutions deny funded help or assistance to a victim without lawful grounds.

The right to life, the prohibition of inhumane or degrading treatment and the right to private and family life

The State’s failure to provide help and a support system for domestic violence victims may, in certain cases, result in a violation of the right to life, the prohibition of inhumane or degrading treatment and the right to private and family life

Prohibition of discrimination

Domestic violence is considered to be a form of discrimination against women, as it affects mainly women. If the State (in this case – the pertinent authorities) fails to effectively respond and provide help and support to the victims of domestic violence, it may result in a violation of the prohibition of discrimination in conjunction with a violation of the right to life and/or the prohibition against inhumane or degrading treatment, and the right to private and family life. 


Last updated 03/07/2024