Sperm & Ovum donation

You have the right to donate your sperm or ovum (gamete) which may be later used in artificial reproduction for persons who cannot conceive a child themselves.

Donation & Private life

Your right to donate your sperm or ovum (gamete) is closely linked with your right to make any decisions regarding your body and your physical integrity freely. To a certain extent, there is also a choice involved in becoming a biological parent to a child one day, without having any relationship with him/her. Therefore, the right to donate your sperm or ovum (gamete) is a part of your right to a private life


If you have freely made a decision to donate your sperm or ovum and this corresponds to certain conditions set by law, you may choose the most suitable medical institution in which to undergo the donation procedure. This medical institution will retain the donated gametes.

You must belong to a certain age group to donate your gametes – a man or a woman from the age of 18 or 14 (under the requirements of the Civil Code).

You should also be healthy. The state of your health will be specifically examined before the donation. 

Donation agreement

Before the donation procedure, you will have to conclude a specific agreement with the medical institution in charge of the donation process. This agreement will regulate different aspects of the donation, such as:

  • retention of your gametes in a gamete donor bank
  • use of your gametes for the purposes of artificial reproduction
  • your data protection
  • compensation for the donation

You have the right to revoke your consent for the use of your gametes and prevent them from being used for artificial reproduction at any time before the artificial reproduction procedure has been begun. In such a situation, your gametes will be destroyed. 

Artificial reproduction

Donated gametes will be used later in artificial reproduction for persons for whom it is very difficult or impossible to conceive a child naturally. Until that time your sperm or ovum will be retained in a gamete donor bank. 

Restrictions on the use of gametes & Destruction

Gametes must not be used for commercial purposes.

example Gametes must only be used for artificial reproduction. Their sale to other persons and/or institutions for other purposes, such as for scientific experiments, is prohibited.

Artificial Reproduction Law provides the conditions in which the gametes you have donated must be destroyed. For example, if they are not useful for artificial reproduction anymore or the donor has revoked his/her consent for their use.

Anonymity & Data protection

Your personal data will be included and retained in the gamete donor register operated by the particular medical institution that you are using. This register is not publicly available. Read more about your personal data protection

Information related to gamete donation and their specific use for artificial reproduction is secret. Your identity will not be disclosed to the prospective parents, except for information on your genetic and anthropometric data, which cannot reveal your identity. You will also not be able to obtain any information about the people who have chosen to undergo artificial reproduction using your gamete. The need to protect the secret of a donor’s identity also prohibits anyone involved from filing a request to determine the donor’s paternity (maternity).


Last updated 12/05/2020