Some illnesses or injuries require prompt medical attention but are not serious enough to require emergency aid. In such cases, a patient may receive urgent care.

What is urgent care?

Some illnesses or injuries require urgent care. Although they are not life-threatening, care cannot be delayed until the next day. 

Urgent care is provided in cases of:

  • injury
  • acute disease
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease
  • other cases when urgent intervention by medical practitioners is needed

example If a person has an earache, such condition does not qualify for emergency aid as there is no threat to life. However, a person may attend the reception ward of a hospital on their own to receive urgent help.

You can receive urgent care in an emergency room or in the reception ward of a hospital. In Lithuania, hospital reception wards operate 24/7. Urgent care also includes basic laboratory tests and visual diagnostics (X-ray or ultrasound) to determine the diagnosis.

Priority system in urgent care

Upon entry into a reception ward, each patient is assigned a priority number from 1 to 4. It shows how urgent the condition of the patient is and how long they can wait for help.

example 1st priority: reanimation or artificial ventilation required.


Last updated 03/08/2023