Right to access health care

As a patient, you have the right to access and receive medical help when you need it. This includes the prevention and diagnosis of diseases, medical treatment and rehabilitation.

What is the right to access health care?

Article 53 of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania states: 

“The State shall take care of the health of people and shall guarantee medical aid and services for a person in the event of sickness. The procedure for providing medical aid to citizens free of charge at state medical establishments shall be established by law.”

This means that everyone has the right to seek and receive medical care regardless of the nature and severity of one’s disease. The right to access health care includes the prevention and diagnosis of a patient’s diseases, medical treatment and rehabilitation.

Patients also have the right to a respectful attitude and qualitative and qualified medical treatment.

Practical aspects

The right to receive medical help also has practical aspects. 

Thus, the health care services must be

  • Physically accessible: medical institutions should be located in relative proximity to your home (this is especially important for rural areas). This also includes accessibility for persons with disabilities.
  • Timely: health care services should be provided within a reasonable timeframe (depending on the patient’s health condition).
  • Affordable: the cost of health care services should be set at a level that does not force patients to compromise other essential needs (food, utility costs, etc.).

note In Lithuania, many health care services are state-paid: mostly the cost is covered by the State, yet patients sometimes need to pay a patient co-payment.

Read more about state-paid health care services in this Guide.


Last updated 03/08/2023