Health care after childbirth

The right to receive health care after childbirth is a part of your, as well as your child’s human right to health.

The right to receive health care after the childbirth is a part of your, as well as your child’s human right to health. Due to its importance, you may receive State-financed monitoring and medical assistance for you and your baby in the postnatal period. However, State-financed health care is provided only by doctors and midwives who are under contract with the National Health Insurance Fund.

Medical assistance & State financing

In Lithuania, the State provides fully financed medical assistance after childbirth for the mother and the newborn baby, which means that you do not need to pay for State-paid health care services in the postnatal period.

State-financed health care for the mother includes medical examinations by the doctor or midwife following labour, assessing the mother’s physical and psycho-emotional recovery after birth and the effectiveness of breastfeeding.

State-financed health care for the newborn baby includes medical examinations and laboratory and diagnostic tests following labour by one or several medical practitioners: a gynecologist (obstetrician), midwife, neonatologist, pediatrician, or a general practitioner (family doctor). 

important The general requirements for a mother’s and baby’s monitoring and medical assistance after childbirth are set out in the Description of the health care procedures for pregnant women, mothers and newborns.

Read more about Pregnancy & Child birth in this Guide.


Last updated 07/08/2024