If you are a victim of human trafficking, you have the right to financial compensation for material damages and moral suffering.

A victim of human trafficking has the right to obtain compensation from both, the State and the traffickers. In many cases, the compensation is crucial for victims to support their socio-economic situation, as most victims are vulnerable due to poor financial conditions. 

example Compensation may be used for things such as renting a safe apartment or moving to another place to live.

The compensation may serve as a reimbursement and remedy for the endured suffering and can be used as an aid to recover from the consequences caused by trafficking and exploitation.  

About this section

This section focuses on the right of human trafficking victims to receive financial compensation for material damages and moral suffering. The compensation can be obtained from both the State and the traffickers, and the availability of these options is discussed in the following sections.


Last updated 03/08/2024