Assistance and services for child victims of trafficking

Child victims of human trafficking are entitled to the same assistance and services as adult victims, although some specific rules must be applied.

Child victims of human trafficking are entitled to the same assistance and services as adult victims. However, a child must be represented (e.g., for signing documents and application) by their legal guardian in order to apply for and receive assistance and services.

General child victim rights protection rules shall be applied during assistance. It is prohibited for a child victim:

  • to be left alone, except in cases when the child himself or herself so wishes and this choice is considered appropriate by a psychologist who has undergone special preparation for work with children who have suffered from violence
  • to be left without psychological or other form of care
  • to be confronted by the possible perpetrator of the violence (illegal act) while the child is not sufficiently psychologically prepared for such a confrontation
  • to be subjected to the use of any compulsory measures in order to obtain information or for any other purpose


Last updated 03/08/2024