Access to asylum procedure

You can apply for asylum at the border or inside the territory of the country you wish to seek asylum in.

Submitting your application

According to EU asylum law, asylum applications can be submitted in the Member States’ territory, border, territorial waters or transit zones. The Asylum Procedures Directive explicitly excludes applications submitted in diplomatic representations of Member States outside their territory, which has also been highlighted by the Court of Justice of the European Union. However, in Lithuania, the Law on the Legal Status of Foreigners also provides for the opportunity to submit applications in a foreign country through some diplomatic missions or consular offices of the Republic of Lithuania.

Need to be present

This means that you need to find your way to the territory or the border of the country in which you wish to seek asylum, to have access to the asylum procedure. If you contact the authorities of Lithuania or another safe country remotely from your own country, they will not be able to process your application or facilitate your arrival.

At the border

You can express your wish to apply for asylum to a border guard at the border crossing point. The registration of an application must take place immediately after you have expressed your wish to be granted international protection, but no later than in 24 hours.

Inside the country

You can express your wish to apply for asylum to the competent national authority inside the territory of the country, which in Lithuania, is the Migration department and State Border Guard Service.

Relevant documents

After you have applied for asylum, the initial acts are that you are required to submit all relevant documents for identification and regarding your travel, as well as evidence justifying your application. You will then be photographed and fingerprinted, and an initial explanation will be sought from you about your arrival in Lithuania and concerning the reasons for your asylum application.


Last updated 05/07/2024