How to claim compensation for mistreatment in the investigation prison?

Right to compensation

You can seek compensation if you have suffered damages as a result of mistreatment in the investigation prison. Damages can result from a wide range of behaviour. For example, the excessive use of force, physical and verbal abuse etc. Therefore, you can seek compensation for both – material losses and moral damages. 

Compensation in a criminal case

An investigator may open a criminal case against police officers or other inmates on the basis of your complaint. In this situation you can seek compensation for damages as a victim in criminal proceedings. If the compensation claim cannot or cannot fully redress your damages within criminal proceedings, you have the right to seek these damages by filing a civil claim as well. In some cases, you as a victim, also have the right to receive compensation from the State. Read more about this in the Law on Compensation of Damage Caused by Violent Crimes.

Compensation in administrative proceedings

There may also be situations where the actions of prison guards will not qualify as a criminal offence. However, there may still be a violation which qualifies as an infringement of your human rights. In this case, you can seek compensation by submitting a complaint to a regional administrative court. You can read more about how to submit a claim in the Law on Administrative Proceedings


Last updated 16/06/2020