Participation rights of minors

What can you do as a minor?

Whilst as a minor you may not be able to exercise your right to vote, stand for election, or take part in public initiatives, you still possess a range of rights to civic participation. As such, you may, amongst other things:

  • request information from public bodies
  • express your opinion freely, including participation in protests, demonstrations, and strikes
  • take part in public discussions
  • take part in non-governmental organisations, including political parties

You have a right to exercise these rights to the same extent as adults, except on limited occasions where legal capacity may be required.

In accordance with the Law on Youth Policy Framework, young people have the right to participate in the development and implementation of youth policy:

  • by engaging in the acquisition and provision of non-formal education and carrying out voluntary work
  • by taking part in student governments
  • by developing and implementing projects and other initiatives
  • by participating in the activities of youth organisations and other associations and foundations
  • by engaging in the process of the taking of State and local government decisions affecting youth policy
  • by engaging in other activities which are oriented towards the promotion of youth participation in the development and implementation of youth policy


Last updated 01/07/2024