Palliative & Hospice care

Palliative care is interdisciplinary, holistic care of patients with terminal illness, focusing on the control of pain and other symptoms. Hospice care concentrates on the relief of a terminally ill patients‘ distress, pain and symptoms during their final stages of life. The aim of both palliative and hospice care is to maintain the best possible quality for a patient‘s life.

What is palliative care? 

Palliative care is interdisciplinary, holistic care for patients with life-limiting (terminal) illnesses that cannot be treated. It aims to prevent or alleviate the suffering caused by a disease. 

Palliative care includes:

  • the treatment and relief of pain and other symptoms
  • psychological, social and spiritual support
  • support for a patient's family in mourning in the period following the loss of a relative 

The aim of palliative care is to maintain the best possible quality for a patient‘s life and support for their family for the remainder of the patient’s life.

Right to receive palliative care

Palliative care may be provided to patients with such terminal illnesses as, for example, HIV infection or malignant tumors. 

note Persons who receive palliative care at an institution or on an outpatient basis are released from payment.

Palliative care services

In Lithuania, palliative care for patients may be provided:

  • at a medical treatment institution 
  • on an outpatient basis under the supervision of a doctor during home visits

Palliative care services on an outpatient basis are provided by a team of a doctor, nurse, nurse’s aid and medical psychologist. Psychosocial rehabilitation is provided for persons living in the same household, relatives and other persons involved in the patient‘s care.

What is hospice care?

Hospice care focuses on the relief of a terminally ill patient’s distress, pain and symptoms and attends to the patient‘s emotional and spiritual needs during their final stages of life

Hospice care may be seen as the final phase of palliative care, where it is particularly important to ensure an approach that meets each person's standards of quality of life. 

Most patients are cared for at their home, although hospice care may sometimes be provided at medical treatment institutions or at specific in-hospice facilities. 

Until now, hospice care in Lithuania has usually been managed on a voluntary basis.


Last updated 06/08/2024