
Usually, a written complaint should be sent to the Intelligence Ombudspersons’ Office.
If a complaint is received verbally or by phone, an Intelligence Ombudsperson can start an investigation on his/her own initiative.


The working language of the Ombudsperson is Lithuanian. This means that your application should be in Lithuanian. The official reply you will receive will be in Lithuanian.


In your application you need to explain clearly:

  • what has happened
  • when it happened
  • which state institutions or officials, or private persons or companies were involved – their names and positions
  • what you request
  • the application needs to contain your name, signature, date and return address

Your application does not need to be in legally correct language or refer to any specific legal provisions, but it has to be clear and understandable. Try to write only about the facts and issues relating to the violation about which you are complaining. To help the Intelligence Ombudspersons better understand what has happened, try to keep the text simple, focused and avoid emotional or derogatory language.


If you can, please add all the documents (for example, complaints you have made and the responses to them) that are related to the situation you are complaining about to your application.

Time limits

There is a time limit of one year from the date when the violation occurred for filing your complaint with the Intelligence Ombudspersons. The complaints lodged after this term are not considered, unless an Ombudsperson decides otherwise.


Applications usually are sent in via the National Information System for Delivery of Electronic Messages and Documents Using Post Infrastructure (e-Delivery System), by other electronic means of communication, by registered post or directly.

Applications must be sent to the following address:

Intelligence Ombudspersons’ Office
Gedimino pr. 53, LT-01109
Vilnius, Lithuania

Legal aid

In Lithuania you are not entitled to free legal aid when applying to the Intelligence Ombudspersons. If you are not sure if your rights have been violated and whether the Ombudspersons can investigate your case, you can email ( or call (+370 5 209 2933) the Ombudspersons’ office before you make an application. If you need further legal aid to prepare your application, you will have to hire a lawyer yourself. Having a lawyer is not compulsory when applying to the Ombudspersons.


Last updated 25/06/2024