One of the ways in which traffickers use and exploit their victims is through domestic servitude.

Domestic servitude involves a victim being forced to work in a private household. Domestic servitude, which constitutes human trafficking, is different from domestic work. Like in the case of human trafficking, control over the worker is achieved through coercion.

example The victim could be threatened with deportation, leaving him or her with no other choice but to continue to work.  

Victims of domestic servitude usually lead very isolated lives and have little or no unsupervised freedom. Their own privacy and comfort may be minimal, often sleeping on a mattress on the floor in an open part of a house. Their freedom is taken away, and they are often forced to perform long hours of housekeeping, childcare and other tedious labour without fair compensation. In rare circumstances, where victims receive a wage, it may be heavily reduced, due to charges for food and accommodation.


Last updated 03/08/2024